Southern Plate Teams Up With Southern Beauty Magazine!

Big News For Me And BIG Giveaway For You!

Debuting in the January issue, I am thrilled to announce that I’ll be a contributing writer for Southern Beauty Magazine!

What will I be writing about? Southern food, of course! This is HUGE news for me and I am just thrilled to finally be able to tell all of you about it! You can even see our SP logo on Southern Beauty Magazine’s Homepage!

Now, we have two GREAT offers for you! Southern Beauty is offering all Southern Plate Readers a great opportunity to subscribe to this wonderful magazine and give gift subscription as well!

Purchase a one-year subscription of Southern Beauty magazine and receive a Gift Subscription to give away for FREE!

Southern Beauty is the perfect gift for your co-workers, your family, or for yourself.

No fighting traffic, standing in lines or leaving the comforts of your own home.
Just click the link below and follow the instructions for ordering.
Gift giving has never been easier!

Click Here For A Special Offer – Buy 1 and Give A Gift For Free!

There’s More!

To celebrate Southern Beauty and Southern Plate teaming up and to kick off the gift giving season,

One VERY lucky Southern Plate reader will win a Beauty Basket, filled with over $200 worth of pampering products for face, hair, and body

– courtesy of Southern Beauty!

This basket will feature high end brands (such as Estee Lauder, Chanel, etc), drugstore brands, AND specialty items!

How do you enter?

Simply click here to visit Southern Beauty’s website. Read the “Welcome to Southern Beauty Magazine” Message in the top left corner and come back here to leave a comment on this post! Somewhere in that comment, say “Hi” to the publisher of Southern Beauty, whose name you’ll find in the Welcome message!

Mention this giveaway on your blog with a link back and I’ll give you two more entries!


I am so thrilled to be able to share this great news with all of you and do hope you’ll pick up a copy of the January issue! This magazine is just lovely from start to finish, even the ads are beautiful! For all things Southern, this is a GREAT magazine! I happen to be a fan of some upcoming recipes in there as well… ~grins~

As always, please know how very grateful I am to each and every one of you who take time to read Southern Plate and especially for welcoming the recipes of my southern family into your home. I love hearing from each and every one of you through your comments and emails. I wake up each day amazed at how lucky I am to have all of you in my life!



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  1. Congratulations Christy, and Hi to Shannon Lindsay, I am sure this will be a great collaboration. I have just recently discovered you here, but I try to check you out everyday, so I am sure people will soon be looking forward to the next Southern Beauty magazine to see what new recipe you have for them!!
    Again, Congratulations!!

  2. Hi Christy,
    Congradulations! You just seem to be growing and expanding on us everytime I turn around, I’m exicted for ya!! This ‘co-op’ between you and the Southern Beauty mag makes a lot of sense, seems like everything I’ll ever need to be girlie is right here together…lol. I’m sure that Mrs. Shannon will become as addicted as the rest of us are!!

    Welcome to the ranks, Shannon, the more the merrier!!!

    BTW, I remember my mom making hot cocoa on the stove when I was in high school, but I can’t remember exactly all the details. I know there is milk and cocoa involved but I’m alittle scared to try and just mess it all up. I just KNOW you got a simple cocoa recipe (wink, wink, hint, hint). Can ya help a sister out?!

  3. Hi Christy, I went to the Southern Beauty magazine, to check it out, and had a very enjoyable read. Shannon Lindsey must be very talented to publish such a classy magazine, but then any thing that you take part in, is good enough for me!!! I love your Southern Plate, and I look forward to my emails everyday. Thankyou for some very good recipes.

  4. Congratulations! Thanks so much for the gift idea as well… Looks like my sister will be getting a gift subscription for Christmas and I’ll be getting one as well. Can’t wait to read your articles. I’m so looking forward to it. Oh, and Hi Shannon Lindsay!!

    Lisa in TN

  5. Congrats, Christy, how exciting!!! Shannon Lindsay and the Southern Beauty Magazine made a great decision teaming up with you. Your blog and recipes are wonderful and the pictures are so helpful! I’ll look forward to reading the magazine and thanks for being such an inspiration in the kitchen!

    Laura in Bham 🙂

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