Spring Book Tour for Come Home To Supper
Come Home To Supper
Spring Book Tour and Appearances
For more information about the book, please click here.
I’m honored to be able to travel out and get to hug some more necks on my spring book tour!
This past fall, I was thrilled to have signings in Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, and Louisiana! To see where all I went on my fall book tour, click here.
My spring locations have been chosen by my publisher based on Facebook votes, so thank you to everyone who participated in that! If you do see me coming within driving distance and would like to come out, I’d love to see you! As I’m not a big traveler (My heart is at home) I will likely not pass these ways again and I’d hate to miss a chance to hug your neck.
If you’re planning on coming to one of these events please let me know in the comments section below! I’d love to be able to know your name and what city I’m going to get to meet you in. 
Spring Tour Dates:
- Saturday, March 15 @ 12 – 4 pm—The Hilton Head Island Wine & Food Festival; Tasting, Talk, Demo & Signing
- March 17th – The Better Show (National TV)
- Tuesday, March 18 @ 7 pm—The Bookmark, Neptune Beach, FL; Talk & Signing
- Wednesday, March 19 @ 7 pm—Barnes & Noble, East Colonial Drive; Talk & Signing
- *UPDATED TIME* Monday, March 24 @ 6 pm—Barnes & Noble, Hamilton Place Blvd; Talk & Signing
- Tuesday, March 25 @ 11 am—Greeks Bearing Gifts, North Jackson Street; Talk & Signing
- Tuesday, March 25 @ 6 pm—Union Ave Books, Union Avenue; Talk & Signing
- Friday, March 28 @ 7 pm—Malaprop’s Bookstore; Haywood Street; Talk & Signing
- Monday, March 31st – The Talk (National TV)
- Tuesday, April 1st – Hallmark Home and Family (National TV)
- Monday, April 7 @ 6:30 pm—Barnes & Noble; The Shops at Greenridge; Talk & Signing
- Tuesday, April 8 @ 6 pm—Scuppernong Books; South Elm Street; Talk & Signing
- Wednesday, April 9 @4:30 pm—Country Bookstore, NW Broad Street; Talk & Signing
- Thursday, April 10@ 6:30 pm—Park Road Books; Park Road; Talk & Signing
- Friday, April 11th @ Whatever time I get there. Hopefully in time to cook supper!
*Unless otherwise noted, outside books are welcome at these signings. However, support of these wonderful stores that host me really makes a difference.
I am hoping to meet you in Southern Pines next week! Love your recipes and follow you on FB & instagram. Thanks for all your great recipes and stories!
YAY!!!!!! You are coming to GREENSBORO!!!!!!!….Best news I’ve heard in a long time!..I have got to come meet you.Cant wait!!
It was a great pleasure to meet and talk with you in Asheville on Friday night. I really enjoyed the time we had talking when you first arrived at Malaprops. You truly are a blessing and are doing what God wants you to be doing at this moment in time. Looking forward to seeing what your next project is and adding it to my collection. I hope that our paths may cross again. God Bless You and your family.
Was just thrilled to be able to see and visit with you today march 28, in Ashville NC. You are such a sweet lady and i’m looking forward to seein you again in Charlotte NC on April 10….can’t wait!!
I’m excited you are coming to Asheville! Travel safely.
Chattanooga, Athens and Knoxville are such beautiful areas of E. Tennessee. I just hope you are not getting the blustery weather we are getting here in S.E. KY. Cold, windy and snowy. You will take the Sonshine whereever you go, I’m sure.
I look forward to meeting you in Greensboro, NC! I have been following you for a long time and I love your first cookbook. The apple dapple cake is always a hit when I make it and take it somewhere to share!