Spring is coming…

I hope you’ve had a productive week. It feels so good to accomplish something, doesn’t it?
I’ve been busy cleaning out my house, a project that won’t be finished anytime too soon I’m afraid! Over the years, as the kids have grown and our needs have changed, we’ve acquired quite a bit of clothing that no longer fits, furniture and items we no longer need or have space for, and other assorted “things” that have ended up bogging us down and filling up our living space – preventing us from enjoying our home as much as we should.
So now is the time to start my campaign to declutter our lives and already we’ve seen a huge difference.
I think our minds and attitudes get like that sometimes, too. 
We fill up the space with problems and difficulties, worries and dread. Eventually we bury ourselves beneath it all without even realizing the weight we have pressed down on our heart and spirit.
Sometimes, you need to get up early, go outside and watch the sunrise. You need to sit in the sunshine, even if only for a few minutes, and remember what it’s warmth feels like. You need to go to the park and swing like a child, to help recall the freedom of wondering if you can really fly.
Sometimes, we need to step out from the mantle of it all in order to have a better perspective.
Spring is coming, maybe it’s time to declutter 🙂



Phil 1:12

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  1. Please, please help. I live just a couple miles from Plant City, FL. This is where the majority of the US gets it’s strawberries. (Just read your label Plant City, FL). Anyway, got off the subject the u-pick fields are opening next week. They open them up to u-pick after the growers have had the fields picked for shipping.
    Again, off the subject. I can’t find on your site a strawberry jam or jelly recipe. Can you please?????? tell me how to find it.

    Love you and your post bunches. God made a special lady when you were planned. Thanks!!!!

  2. Also, I am from Louisiana, but travelled all over, since my dad was a Pastor/Evangelist and now we are missionaries to Belize, Central America. We have been here for 13 years! I married a Belizean, my brother married a Belizean, and my parents adopted a Native Indian girl from here as well!

  3. Hi Christy,
    I am a busy wife and mother and had a question for you. I work all day and would love to have a 1 or 2 week budget friendly, menu plan for my family of three! Simple and fast things to cook up for my hubby and daughter. Neither are very picky, the only thing that my hubby doesn’t really like is slow cooked meals. Could you help me out? I was looking around, trying to see if you had a menu plan on here, but couldn’t find one. Thanks!
    BTW.. I love your blog!

  4. Hello Miss Christy,
    I have been retired now for 3 weeks. I thought I would get my house decluttered and I will eventually. Right now I am enjoying the grandchildren. They make me feel so good. I cannot do anything wrong in their eyes. We have had 3 weeks of “Grandma Camp.” They love to “help me cook.” (It only takes me three times longer with their help.).
    I am wondering if you have a place on your website where I can search your helpful household hints, and amusing family stories.I specifically have been looking for a story you posted about instant potatoes. You visited a friend and being sent to the pantry for potatoes. You found no potatoes, only to find that they were in a box. The use you suggested for instant potatoes was as a thickener.
    Also, wasn’t there a cheap(oops inexpensive) “Wal-mart” type flavoring that helped with cake mixes. Maybe it was butter flavoring. In a big bottle.

  5. Hi Christy!
    I love your ideas!! Is there a place to donate? I need to really downsize. I have dishes, books, clothes,linens, shoes, etc. I would like to take them somewhere where people can really use them. Thank you so much!!!!!

    1. There are a lot of thrift shops popping up everywhere and my area has a couple run by local churches that are excellent. Also, Goodwill and Salvation Army. If you don’t know of a place in your area, I’d call the Salvation Army and ask for their recommendations. They have always proven themselves to be a very trustworthy organization 🙂

  6. I definitely need to declutter my house. I am a recent widow and have so much to go through. I start then get depressed and quit for a while but I will eventually get it done. I enjoy your website so much. I am a Southern girl, married and moved up north, he retired and now back down South. When my husband retired, he took over most of the cooking and now got to get back into that. I am using a lot of your recipes for freezing meals since it is only me and I get so tired of eating out. Again, thanks again for your wonderful website and all the uplfting thoughts.

    1. Well said Christie! Cleaning out and sharing with those in need blesses us as much as those that receive. Betty bless you

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