Supper Planning Cheat Sheet

Have you ever tried to come up with what to make for supper and your mind drew a complete blank – despite the thousands of supper you may have cooked before? Today I’m sharing with you a free printable that has made my life a thousand times easier: The Supper Planning Cheat Sheet!

sample supper planning cheat sheet

This is a place to list all of your favorite suppers so that you’ll always have a cheat sheet when you need it most!

  • Favorites (what everyone always wants)
  • Freezer Meals (don’t forget what is in your freezer!)
  • Crock Pot (throw it in and turn it on!)
  • Quick Meals (hot dogs, sandwiches)

Simply print it, fill it out, and place it on your fridge or somewhere else close at hand for instant inspiration at your fingertips!

Click here or on the photo below to open up a pdf printable version of the Supper Planning Cheat Sheet
cheat sheet

Click here to open a printable pdf version of this sheet

See all of the free printables currently available by clicking here

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    1. Bag Meals are a favorite of mine but the way I package them I know that if I have a meal I have all I need so I just grab one out of the storage bin. I don’t think others have discovered their wonder yet! 🙂 But hopefully they will! 🙂

      1. What are these bag meals y’all are talking about? Thank you for sharing the Supper Planning Cheat Sheet.

  1. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing. I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately, and I’m sure this will make meal planning so much easier.

    While I’m thinking about it, I’ve been admiring the script font you used on this cheat sheet as well as in a few places on the website. Would you be willing to share the name of the font you use? It’s so elegant and at the same time so easy to read. TIA

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