Watch the Photo Shoot for the Southern Plate Cookbook!

20367_246000434136_141512694136_3041389_1432675_nGood Morning everyone!

Today is day two of the photo shoot for the Southern Plate Cookbook, which is being published by Harper Collins and will be in all major bookstores (and more) in the fall of this year.
The cookbook will feature stories, recipes, and plenty of gorgeous food photography as well family photos of some of my wonderful grandparents whose recipes will be included. The photography crew is truly amazing and I can’t wait for you to see the final outcome!
All day yesterday, my husband Ricky took photos on his iphone of the shoot as it was taking place and posted them on the Southern Plate Facebook page to share with y’all. If you’d like to see them, head on over there now and please join the page, we’d love to have you! He’ll be doing the same today so tune in as he updates throughout the day. The crew is set to arrive in about half an hour and I just got apple spice muffins from the oven so the kitchen smells yummy! I have two big old crock pots of beef stew that have been going all night long to feed everyone for lunch and of course there’ll be plenty of sweet tea!
Join us today on the Facebook page if you can. It’s thanks to you that this book is going to happen!

Christy 🙂




To see more photos from the shoot (and watch live updates from today’s shoot) please click here.


  1. Well it looks like your off to one great start for the New Year. I will be looking forward to see the book. How long did it take you to get this together? As a firehouse cook I love the site because you make it so easy for me and the guys to follow. Best Wishes for the book and you and the family.

  2. Hi Christy,

    Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Hopefully we’ll be able to purchase the book in Iowa.


  3. Congratulations on all your wonderful accomplishments Christy! This cookbook will definately be on my Christmas 2010 wish list! Always look forward to your newsletters. Thanks for all your hard work delivering them to us!

  4. Wow, How cool is this??? I cant wait to see the cookbook in the stores. Man, I should had you autograph the one I have now, so I could say I knew her then.

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