Weekly Chat #2

In this week’s chat I talk about what is coming up on SouthernPlate.com this week, the Family Journal Project (how to make an heirloom in just a few minutes each week), and show you what is in the start of my homesteading journal thanks to inspiration from a reader on Instagram!

To see last week’s Chat Video, please click here.

In addition to SouthernPlate.com, you can also find me here:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/southernplate
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/southernplatefamily
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/southernplate/

Learn about my Traveler’s Notebooks here: https://southernplatecom.bigscoots-staging.com/2016/01/a-walk-through-my-travelers-notebook.html


  1. Thank you so much for your many and varied posts. It always feels like getting a letter from a good friend ! I am aware of an auction this weekend that has some corning ware listed. If you would like, you can email me and I will give you the particulars. Thanks for sharing your gifts with the world!!

  2. Christy, I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your weekly chats thus far. I am a CO transplant born and raised in the NE MS area, and you help me to not feel quite so homesick as I might otherwise! Many continued prayers for you and yours as the New Year starts out on all of your wonderful projects and endeavors which you so generously share with all of us. And by the way, your hair and makeup is darling! Your inner beauty shines through in everything you do. (Can’t wait to try making the sopapillas too! 🙂

  3. Christy,I just love your sharing your love for your faith in all areas in your life with us on Southern Plate,there any many that have that faith but keep it to themselves.Thanks for sharing on your Chat time “we are christians and we have a christian home,we teach our children christian values,that’s just who we are.That’s how I feel.


  4. Hi Christy, I would like to take this time to not only Thank you for all your wonderful recipes, but for the Scriptures I am writing out during the month., I pray you continue this for the whole year. God Bless you my dear one………Always Helene

  5. I really enjoy your videos and your recipes! Thank you for taking the time to do those. We not only have our faith and homeschooling in common, but my name is Christy too. My parents chose that spelling so I would have Christ in my name. The only bummer is when I am tired and writing Merry Christmas sometimes I write Merry Christy. Lol Take care, Christy. 🙂

  6. I get your emails & have 2 of your cookbooks. Every baseball season from May to September my husband & I keep college graduates ages (22-27) in our home while they are playing independent baseball trying to make it to the pro’s. These young men come from all over the United States & we house them to make them feel like they are still with Mom & Dad. I usually have about 3 each season, but many times I have had about 12 players come & go. All the Host Families do not get paid, but we all cook for the players & feed them just as if they were at home. I run out of ideas so that is one reason I have two of your cookbooks!! They mostly like meat & potatoes, but many of the players will eat hearty casseroles. If you have any extra ideas to help me plan for this 2016 season coming up I would really like your ideas. Thanks, Kay

    1. What a wonderful thing to do Kay!! I bet that keeps your home interesting…LOL!! There are so many good recipes here online that aren’t in the cookbooks, I hope you get the time to check some of them out as well. A great place to start would be to go through the archives.

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