Why Y’all Should Come To Y’all Connect!

Get your tickets while they are still available by clicking here. 


 Birmingham, Alabama 

July 23, 2013

Something big is happening in Birmingham, Alabama next week and if you have any kind of work that takes place online: whether you blog, take part in social media, or are into digital marketing, you need to be there.

Y’all Connect is the biggest social media conference in the Southeast this year, with invaluable information to offer anyone in these fields.

Like many bloggers I know, I quit going to blog conferences a few years back. After your first one, there isn’t much new offered beyond networking and socializing with other bloggers. They all seem to cover the basics on a repeat loop with anything innovative taking place outside of the conference for an exorbitant additional fee. Don’t get me wrong, socializing and networking are important, but with my kids growing at lightning speed and my work schedule already taking me away from home more often than I’d like, my heart isn’t in leaving home for that right now.

This changes, however, when Wade Kwon steps up to the plate. Wade, a personal friend and mentor of mine, not only knows his own social media but also has the remarkable ability to bring together some of the most respected experts in the field under one roof and offer truly innovative, engaging, and highly helpful sessions that go far beyond “Blogging 101”.

We’re talking how to build your online presence, increasing and engaging your audience, going viral, dealing with animosity online, and more.

IF you have an online presence and want to expand it, THIS Is the MUST ATTEND Conference for you.

This one is a game changer.

One day out of your life – that will change your life.

Register now while spots are still left and I have a special discount code for you, too!

Use code SPLATE78 to receive $30 off registration fee,

making the entire conference (plus two meals) just $99.

And when you arrive, be sure and look me up because I’d love to get to chat with you! I’ll be buzzing around the welcome area waiting for you to arrive 🙂

Get tickets while you still can by clicking here.

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  1. Christy!!! I am so excited to say my “nose is NOT pressed to the window” anymore. Southern Plate Classics arrived….No time to chat.! This girl has another place to put her nose~~IN THE MAGAZINE!!!! Thanks!! *big grins*

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