WIN A White Lily & Cuisinart Prize Package

Congratulations to Ricky Mudd!

His comment was chosen using to win this prize. Thank you to everyone who entered! You help ensure we have more great giveaways coming up on! 

Congratulations are also in order to Christine Sanford! White Lily was so excited with the participation in this giveaway that they decided to choose a second winner as well!  

If you’re on Facebook, please click the “Like” button above,thanks!


I’m tickled to be able to bring you this great giveaway today, courtesy of White Lily! 


The prize package includes: 

  • 2 Reusable White Lily Shopping Totes
  • 2 Bags of White Lily Flour
  • a Cuisinart Power Advantage Plus 7 Speed Hand Mixer (with storage compartment, $90 value) 
  • Silicone Spatula with White Lily Logo
  • Oxo Good Grips Pastry Cutter
  • Measuring Cup with White Lily Logo
  • White Lily Magnetic Shopping List
  • White Lily Recipe Card holder cube 
  • Old Fashioned Flour Sack Towel embroidered with the White Lily Logo (LOVE THIS)
  • Recipe cards featuring treasured White Lily Recipes and more! 


To Enter, Leave A Comment Below! 


Contest closes Sunday night, January 22, at midnight Central time. Winner will be chosen at random and contacted by email as well as announced Monday morning on this post and on the Southern Plate Family Facebook Page.  Winner will have three days to respond or alternate winner will be chosen.


Disclaimer: I have not been financially compensated for this post but I did receive a prize package, just like one of y’all will get! I’m madly in love with that flour sack dish towel because I like how they clean and they just feel like a connection to my heritage. Truth be told though, I won’t be using that one, it’s going to hang on my kitchen wall! Hmm, I feel like this disclaimer needs to be a little longer so let me see if I can think of something else to add…. Oh here we go! Ovens are hot and knives are sharp – consider yourself disclaimered 🙂 

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

-Henry David Thoreau

Add to our collection of wise and inspirational quotes by clicking here to visit our Give A Penny page!

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  1. I have used nothing but White Lily flour for 43 years of married life. When I was in high school back in the 60’s, this was the flour our home economics teacher had in our test kitchens and explained the difference between White Lily and other flours. It definitely makes the lightest and fluffiest homemade biscuits. Would love to win the prize, as I also need a mixer and would show off anything with my White Lily logo. The girls in our family all loved our flour sack dresses growing up. So soft and never wore out. January is my birthday month, I’m crossing my fingers x x x x x x x x x x x

  2. That looks like a group of wonderful products! Baking is my favorite thing, so I would love to have them!

  3. Wow what a prize. I love love love White Lily Flour and am blessed to be able to find it here in Georgia. When we lived in some other states not so lucky. My momma,bless her heart, taught me how to make my first biscuits using White Lily flour. Never forget my dad called them cathead biscuits and hurt my feelings bad. He said they were ugly and reminded him of an old cat head, but he ate them anyway and said they tasted good. I laugh about that now. Would love to win for the towel and like you it would probably be hung on the kitchen wall for artwork. Love your website keep up the good work.

  4. I love White Lily flour. This is my favorite flour for baking breads. Such an exciting prize. I really need a new mixer since mine has died making your dish pan cookies. We are addicted to them. Everyone at work begs for them and wants to know why I haven’t brought them in this month. LOL

  5. My dear sweet momma left this world a better place and part of her heritage to me included the knowledge that the secret ingredient to her best loved baked goods was the White Lily flour!

  6. I cannot get White Lily in KS, but when I have used it before, when we were traveling I picked some up because I heard so much about it. I would love to win this just for the flour. Though I’ll gladly take the other items as well. LOL.

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