Win an Entire Set of Calphalon!


Thanks to your active participation, I’ll be able to offer more great giveaways like this on! 

Congrationations to Ann M whose partial email is annjm45.

Her comment was chosen at random to win this set using She has been notified via email. 

Thank you all so much for entering!!!! I sure do wish I had 6000 sets to give away!

A few weeks back when I was doing some presentations for Taste of Charleston, I met the great Michael Saboe, the Dean of the Culinary Institute of Charleston. I had a ball getting to tour his school and work with several of the students (those folks are amazing!). Taste of Charleston hosts the Iron Chef competition each year at the event and the winner received a special laser engraved Calphalon skillet. Well, Michael made the mistake of pulling out the prototype and showing me at a tv station he and I were both at and, to put it mildly, I had a cow fit over it. It was gorgeous. Micheal, being the incredibly sweet and generous man that he is, gave me that skillet. One of only two! Okay, so he probably did it just to keep me from going into spasms with the way I was oohing and ahhing over it but still…HE GAVE ME THAT SKILLET!

I was so excited as I headed to the airport that I began talking about it on my Facebook page. “So, I’m walking through the Charleston Airport holding a skillet…” That bought on a bevy of comments asking how I’d gotten through security with it. Charleston TSA were quite reasonable. I simply told them all about the skillet, how I got it, how I got my start, what I was doing in Charleston, how I’d come to work with Southern Living, etc. by the time I was done they knew all about my Mama, kids, even the cat’s names and boy after all that talking they just waved me right on through just to get rid of me! ~giggle~.

I was so proud of my skillet that I couldn’t bear to put it in my suitcase or bag so I just kept walking around the airport holding it. I got a few strange looks and I got to tell the story a few more times. One of the cashier’s even asked if he could hold it and gazed at it with the same admiration that I had as he said in an awestruck voice “Wow, Calphalon…”. Eventually it came out on Facebook that this skillet was the first piece of Calphalon I’d ever owned, which led a Southern Plate family member to go to Calphalon’s Facebook page and alert them to the odd lady walking around an airport holding a skillet.

Long story short (Yes folks, this is the short version!) I now own an entire glorious set of Calphalon pots and pans and one lucky person who leaves a comment will be the proud new owner of another set identical to mine!

Christmas is coming and if you’re anything like me, unless you just got married, you could probably use a good set of pots and pans. Well folks, this isn’t just any set, this is one of those sets with the quality that means you’ll be using them to cook now and for your grandchildren later on. If you already have grandchildren, they just might be cooking in these for their grandchildren, too!

To enter, just leave a comment below. If you don’t win this set, I strongly suggest putting it at the very top of your Christmas wish list ….in red….underlined…and circled 🙂

Calphalon 13 Piece Tri-Ply Pots and Pans Set

To enter, simply leave a comment below.

Contest closes at 5:00 PM Central Friday, November 18th.

Winner will be chosen at random and contacted by email as well as announced on Facebook and this post.

For more information about this set, please click here. 

Disclaimer: I was not financially compensated for this post but I was given a set of these pots and pans because Calphalon is so stinking wonderful! My dear husband asked if I really *needed* more pots and pans, and in the interest of full disclosure I think I should tell you all that I just might be reaching sainthood because I didn’t kill him or hit him with a calphalon pot for asking such a ridiculous question. Do I need a set of Calphalon pots and pans? Does Santa *need* a sleigh? All done disclaiming now. Be sure and tell your friends about this giveaway and thank you for being part of the Southern Plate family! If you aren’t part of the family on Facebook you’re missing half the fun! 

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  1. I really need new cookware, I cook all meals for my family of 5 🙂 Could reaaaallly use it.

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