Simply Brilliant Canning Labels
I don’t get to brag on my readers enough but let me tell you, y’all are some brilliant people. You are also some of the absolute nicest folks I’ve ever had a chance to know and seeing you gathering around my virtual front porch here on Southern Plate has been one of the most fulfilling joys of my life (aside from my kiddies!). When I say I am grateful, I hope you know that if you are reading this, you are one of the things I am grateful for.
One of my brilliant readers sent me the neatest idea for canning labels and I just absolutely love them. They even gave me permission to share them with you so that you can love them, too! These are so much nicer than sticker labels and there is no residue to deal with. I just know you’ll think this idea is as neat as I do!
From Lee:
These canning jar “lid labels” are made from card stock and they are very simple. The best part is that they are not glued or stuck onto to the jars. If you want, they could even be re-used or laminated. With a little digging on the internet for clip art you can find something for just about anything you want to can.
I have attached my word files I used to print the labels, feel free to have them and share them at will. After you have edited the document, use one of your jar rings to make everything can bee seen in the ring opening. I then print them out on both sides of the card-stock. If you use both documents they will line up when you flip the card stock over. However, I do suggest a quick test print on plain paper to see if it is all set and looks good first.
After you have them printed, use the jar ring and a sharp pencil to trace the outside of the ring while trying to get as close to the “underside” of the curve as you can. The closer you can trace the ring, the easier it is to simply cut along the edges of the pencil line and have it fit inside the canning ring perfectly. If you wish to laminate the labels, print them out, trace the circles and then have your local office store laminate the whole sheet before cutting them out.
Here are the ones I made for my Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam that I am canning tomorrow.
As you see, there is plenty of room for what ever you wish to print inside the lid.
There should be more than enough room for a full ingredient list too!
To download these labels which can be easily personalized to suit your needs, please click the files below.
Download Labels front
Download Labels Back
Thank you so very much to Lee for sending this in to me! Here are the results!
I’ll never use stickers again!
Christy 🙂
“Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they will never cease to be amused!”
Submitted by Southern Plate Reader, Diane in PA. To submit your quote, click here.
That is an awesome idea! I’ll have to print some out for my
apritcot-pineapple jam! Thanks!
Wow, Christy! I am thrilled you used this idea! I did not think it would make a featured post!
I am torn on the lid debate, but for the jam I do keep them on for a few reasons. A) When I give it to someone, they have a way to reseal the jar. B) If I give it to someone to take home without a ring, it may loose the seal and make a mess. C) It holds the cool labels in place!
For those of who that say you wish you knew how to can, well let me put it this way… If “I” a 36 year old male, and by birth a yankee (but named after Robert E. Lee) can can, you can can too.
Hey Lee!
I’m serious, this is brilliant! I’m so glad you emailed it to me. My mother and I are getting a lot of mileage out of this one!
As far as the ring debate goes, I always keep my rings on as well. I’m not an organized person and I don’t want a drawer full of rings. I also give most of my preserves, jams, and butters away as gifts throughout the year. I pretty much can to give things away! I’m awful, I know! lol. I always open up some when guests come but kids like to take things to their teachers and office staff and I have a hard time sending guests home empty handed!!
And Lee, bless you for being a little bit older than me. 🙂
You are more than welcome!
I have taken to making “gift jam’s” in half pints when I can up our pints. With four children, I really should make it in quarts! I have started only putting the labels on the “gift jars” because we all know what is in them. But they do make quite the show when you present a jar.
I am building a “canned goods” storage cabinet in our cellar as I am taking over my wife’s cabinets with “canned goods”. (Not a bad thing mind you!) However, I have 20 pints (plus maybe 10 half pints) stored away already and the peaches are just coming out! If you get a chance, some ideas for canned pie fillings would be nice. My wife and I want to put away pie filling for each season. (Strawberry, Blueberry, Peach, Apple, Pumpkin, ect)
Oh, and please… I find my self young at heart and only feel old when presented at things like graduations and weddings for people I knew as babies. Only then do I feel old… and now. 😛
How cool is that? It does make me wish I knew how to can. (I tried once…it didn’t work.) I’m working on becoming a better cook, and your site is great for ideas and recipes!
Try it in small batches first. Confidence is the #1 ingredient in canning. I never thought I could do it, was very intimidated but hubby grew beets a few yrs ago. I love my moms pickled beets. No one pickles them like her and could not find any so have done without for yrs. Hubby grew a small garden, that took off like wildfire, and I got to try my hand at pickling beets. Spent the entire summer looking for a recipe on line since moms books are missing and no hope of getting them back. Finally found one and tweeked it to fit and OMG!!! Every time I bite into one I think.. “mmm mom, dad would have loved these”. No spices, he had ulcers so mom had to learn to make stuff taste good without most spices. I failed a few times. my pickles are horrid, really need a good pickle recipe, but preserverance will preserve. Good luck
love the labels cant wait too try them stop by sooon .priscilla
You always create beauty, that is what I used to tell my mama “you make everything beautiful” and you seem to do the same thing. These labels look divine. I have to tell you, though, I am completely intimidated by canning. I know, it’s silly, I’ve even seen so many of my relatives canning and had my step-dad try to teach me and I still haven’t tried it myself. I’m just chicken, I guess. I’m trying to get up the nerve as Fall (my favorite season) approaches and our garden bears more produce.
I love this idea and wish it had been around when I did a lot of canning. Now it is limited to small batches of preserves. But they still need labels. Thank you so much for sharing these.
Nifty idea! Will definitely share with family and friends. I so wanted to comment on the request for “weird” southern customes but could not access the link. Tried several times and it simply wouldn’t load – today had no problems! Raves to you Christy for sharing your receipes and ideas and to your readers for such great ideas.